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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How to Get a Woman's Phone Number
Thursday, September 23, 2010
How to Create Sexual Tension

Remember that when you first begin to interact with a woman, unless she already has a strong initial attraction for you - sometimes known as "chemistry", you are in a neutral zone with her.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Enjoy Sex Simultaneously

In all likelihood, it is not your fault and you are not able to contain your excitement. There is no need for you to worry because, there are millions of others like you who are also facing the same problem, and most of them have found out a suitable solution to the same. There are various sites on the net that will help you to cure this problem and you should visit them and check out their advice. However, you should keep a safe distance from the delaying cream and lotions. They are not an answer to your problem. It is the same for various pills that claim to delay your ejaculation.
These lotions, creams, and pills do not delay your ejaculation. On the other hand they anesthetize the nerves on the tip of your penis, and if these nerves do not get excited, there will be no ejaculation.
In the long run, these local applicants that generally contain lidococaine, a local anesthetic agent, which is not suitable for sensitive skins, especially those in the penile region.
Long term use of these products might cause blisters etc. to appear on the tip of your penis, causing acute suffering to you.
About the websites mentioned earlier, most of them sell different types of products and they do not give it to you for free. However, there are certain sites that also provide all the necessary information for free.
If the provided information does not work, then there is no harm. At worst you shall have wasted a few minutes of your time. Remember one thing.
If you have control over your mind, you can do anything, and this also means to cure premature ejaculation and last longer in bed.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Losing Virginity at a Very Young Age

Studies have revealed that children, these days, are losing their virginity at a very young age. Experts say that with the average age of puberty going down to 9-10 years for girls and 10-11 years for boys, the average age for losing virginity too is going down. And the deadly paring with this is — awareness about sex is more these days and information is freely available. Television, movies and most prominently the Internet is loaded with extremely easily accessible information and graphic details. This, most of the time, helps to entice the youngsters to experiment, who already have hormones raging through them.
Anju Uppal, principal of an international high school says, "I have been dealing with children for a long time and I do believe that children these days are losing their virginity very early. They get attracted to each other and are tempted to take it all further."
Curiosity killed the cat
Psychiatrist Dr Anjali Chhabria says, "It's human nature to be curious. A teenager would definitely want to experiment and experience the information he/she has heard about sex. For certain kids who are more shy, withdrawn and introverts, social networking sites are best for communication. Kids who may be new to exploring sexuality or may have a high drive, do indulge in cyber sex or phone sex at times." Anju Uppal adds, "They are much more aware of things these days and they are very keen to experiment."
Lack of attention from parents
With most parents working, kids are without proper supervision (a maid would not even understand the nuances of phone or cyber sex) and free to do as they like. "Sometimes the attention from the parents is not enough, kids may indulge in these things just to attract negative attention from parents," says Dr Chhabria.
Family history
Children who are from broken families are prone to indulge in flings with multiple partners without emotional attachments. Seema Hingorrany, clinical psychologist adds, "When there is a marital discord between parents the children may try to cling to their relationships and are ready to lose their virginity to hold on to it."
Sex isn't taboo anymore
Sex in our society is also not such a taboo as it used to be earlier and virginity is not such a big deal. Psychotherapist Shilpa Raheja agrees, "Virginity has lost its sacred value. 'Saving your virginity for marriage' is something that is even laughed at these days by some people." This attitude, though not very common is accepted.
Influence of alcohol
Is influence of alcohol or substance abuse one of the reasons that lead to lowering the age of sexual activity among children? Dr Chhabria says, "It may not be one of the reasons but it may stimulate the sexual urge further for them to indulge in sex. Also substance and alcohol tend to reduce the anxiety towards sex and alter consciousness which definitely plays a major role in letting the person freely perform sex."
Peer-group pressure
To have a boyfriend or girlfriend is like a status symbol say experts. "So much of 'hanging around' at pubs, cafes and discos are happening. You need a girl in your arms when you walk in to a party," says Shilpa. There are children who have their reasons for absistence but sometimes they are counteracted upon in a very strong way by the friends and the peer group. "Friends often provide the means when a parent refuses," says Anju.
Proper education needed
Yes we all know sex education is provided in schools. Period. But with rampant teenage pregnancies it obviously is not enough. Shilpa says, "Talking openly about sex is still not common. Parents usually want some other organisation to do the sex-talk with their kids."
Effects on children
Seema says, "In the last five years I have seen the number rise rapidly. Around 50-75 per cent young girls and guys lose their virginity much before they are anywhere near adulthood. And this affects them mentally. When kids are in Std 5, they have crushes and before they are in college most lose their virginity. When such a relationship does not work out depression hits them. There are anxiety disorders, eating disorders and feelings of guilt that may ruin their childhood."
Expert advice for parents
A good relationship between parents may be important where both have similar parenting styles. Parents need to be role models and need to make their child see how important is love, affection, care and commitment in a relationship. They need to explain that sex is something precious to be shared with the person you love and not just an act of physical satisfaction.
The emotional problems that come up with losing virginity at an early age and that come along with multiple partners needs to be explained to your child with a lot of patience. Children also need to understand that their parents are the one who they need to confide into. Also all information from friends and elsewhere needs to be confirmed as it may not always be true. Children also need to judge better for themselves what is right and wrong and what will be good for them in the future.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Does Penis Size is Important?

So, does penis size really matter? Well, yes, but you'll be shocked to find out for whom it really matters.
Striving to be the best is par for the course; while your date-night antics don't necessarily qualify as a sport, and you won't be in the running for an Olympic medal this year, peak performance is always on your mind, especially when it comes to sex. As we all know, it takes more than height to make a great basketball player, and more than biceps to make a standout football star. The same can be said for savvy lovers who have better sex -- physical equipment isn't everything when it comes to knocking it out of the park, and women aren't shy about singing the praise of skill over size.
Unfortunately, not all guys seem to believe those women so we're going to rely on science to reassure you that the size of the package isn't more important than the method of delivery.
It's all in your head
OK, it's time for some scientific facts and figures to put to rest some of the outlandish claims and myths circulating about whether or not penis size matters and what's normal for the vast majority of men out there. A comprehensive worldwide study of more than 40 independent penis size research projects, undertaken since 1942, has come up with a general penis size guideline. With over 11,000 participants, the survey puts the average erect size of the adult penis between 5.5 inches and 6.2 inches in length and 4.7 inches and 5.1 inches in girth.
If the science doesn't do it for you, and you're still wondering "does penis size matter," then the study also took a look at perceptions of size and asked more than 50,000 heterosexual men and women how they rated their own size or the size of their partner.
They found that 85% of women were satisfied with their partner's penile size, but only 55% of men were satisfied. Notice anything? The women were much more forgiving and didn't feel like they were dealing with inferior goods if they weren't being bludgeoned with porn-star worthy penises. Chances are that women within measuring distance usually have better things on their minds than finding a ruler, and if they don't, penis size probably shouldn't be your first concern.
What she's thinking
Do you think you could accurately identify what 5.0 inches looks like within ¼ inch? Yeah, we didn't think so. And guess what, most women couldn't do it either. The variances in the middle ranges of penis sizes only offer up about ¾ of an inch from the low-end to the high-end of the scale, including racial variances that have seeped into popular culture, but remain largely unsubstantiated in the scientific community. So, unless you are the proud owner of a significantly smaller (under 4.0 inches erect) or significantly larger (over 7.5 inches), your partner's ability to identify your exact size and judge you on it are pretty slim.
Striving to be the best is par for the course; while your date-night antics don't necessarily qualify as a sport, and you won't be in the running for an Olympic medal this year, peak performance is always on your mind, especially when it comes to sex. As we all know, it takes more than height to make a great basketball player, and more than biceps to make a standout football star. The same can be said for savvy lovers who have better sex -- physical equipment isn't everything when it comes to knocking it out of the park, and women aren't shy about singing the praise of skill over size.
Unfortunately, not all guys seem to believe those women so we're going to rely on science to reassure you that the size of the package isn't more important than the method of delivery.
It's all in your head
OK, it's time for some scientific facts and figures to put to rest some of the outlandish claims and myths circulating about whether or not penis size matters and what's normal for the vast majority of men out there. A comprehensive worldwide study of more than 40 independent penis size research projects, undertaken since 1942, has come up with a general penis size guideline. With over 11,000 participants, the survey puts the average erect size of the adult penis between 5.5 inches and 6.2 inches in length and 4.7 inches and 5.1 inches in girth.
If the science doesn't do it for you, and you're still wondering "does penis size matter," then the study also took a look at perceptions of size and asked more than 50,000 heterosexual men and women how they rated their own size or the size of their partner.
They found that 85% of women were satisfied with their partner's penile size, but only 55% of men were satisfied. Notice anything? The women were much more forgiving and didn't feel like they were dealing with inferior goods if they weren't being bludgeoned with porn-star worthy penises. Chances are that women within measuring distance usually have better things on their minds than finding a ruler, and if they don't, penis size probably shouldn't be your first concern.
What she's thinking
Do you think you could accurately identify what 5.0 inches looks like within ¼ inch? Yeah, we didn't think so. And guess what, most women couldn't do it either. The variances in the middle ranges of penis sizes only offer up about ¾ of an inch from the low-end to the high-end of the scale, including racial variances that have seeped into popular culture, but remain largely unsubstantiated in the scientific community. So, unless you are the proud owner of a significantly smaller (under 4.0 inches erect) or significantly larger (over 7.5 inches), your partner's ability to identify your exact size and judge you on it are pretty slim.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Seduction by Zodiac Sign

When it comes to seducing sophisticated Libra, it's best to summon the spirit of Cary Grant or Audrey Hepburn. This sign needs to be romanced in high style ... think champagne and evening dress versus beer and baseball caps. Librans love music, so taking this sign to a concert would be a terrific prelude to lovemaking. It's a wise idea to perfect your kissing technique before making the first move on Libra. This sign wants a lover with finesse. As a Libra, seduction is second-nature. You melt hearts with your dazzling smile and dancing eyes. If you ever want to take someone home, just asks what inspires them and then listen with rapt attention.
How to Seduce a Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
It's something of a challenge to seduce secretive Scorpio, since it's hard to gauge this sign's reactions. Don't be fazed if your moves are met with an inscrutable smile ... that's just Scorpio's own form of seduction. A good first move is to take this sign's hand in a darkened movie theater and trace delicate patterns on the inside of his or her palm. Make love wordlessly and urgently, letting your body do all the communicating.
If you're a Scorpio, you're a master seducer. You love undressing people with your eyes. Most people respond favorably to your intense focus. One of your favorite seduction techniques is getting people to confess their secret desires.
How to Seduce a Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Sagittarians are easily seduced through humor. Crack a few jokes, make a few pratfalls, and leave some funny voicemails if you'd like to get acquainted with the Archer's bedroom. The prospect of making love outdoors always excites the Archer. Invite Sagittarius on a camping trip and be sure to bring a double sleeping bag. Last but not least, people born under this sign are ruled by the thighs and hips. Playful Sagittarius will become deadly serious when you zero in on these areas.
If you're a Sagittarian, you've got a playful seduction technique. You express interest in someone by tugging their hair, mimicking their speech and elbowing their ribs. It's easy to seduce worldly types with your knowledge of different people and culture. Your storytelling skills are extremely enticing!
How to Seduce a Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Dignified Capricorn can be quite intimidating on the sexual front, but rest assured that this sexy sign is worth seducing. A slow, steady approach works best with Goats. Limit your first encounter to a lingering kiss. Then the next time you see each other, caress Cappy's back, neck and shoulders, applying firm, insistent pressure. Make a strategic retreat when Capricorn begs you to finish what you've started. Deep down inside, this sign knows that the best things in life are worth waiting for.
If you're a Capricorn, you seduce others with your self-confidence. The assured way in which you order wine, discuss politics and reference movies nearly always yields results. Quite often, people are scared to say "no" to you, just because you're so masterful!
How to Seduce a Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
If you'd like to seduce a Pisces, transport him or her to another world. Invite your favorite Fish to look through your telescope or check out your aquarium. Make your move as soon as Pisces becomes absorbed in the action. A quick kiss on the back of the neck will lead to bigger and better things. Pisceans have many erogenous areas including especially sensitive feet. A friendly foot rub can fan the flames of desire.
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