Having a conversation with another person is normal human behavior.
When you engage in a conversation that is on an intimate level many times your partner will consider this cheating. You must know the boundaries in your relationship before developing a new intimate relationship even if it is with key strokes from across the country. The point is that you are still investing time and energy in that developement, on what ever level it may be on, and this can provoke jealous feelings or the feeling of being neglected in your partner.
Put yourself in your partners shoes when taking action the engages others; would you be comfortable with your partner spending that much time with someone else or engaging in certain types of conversation? Probably not, but even if you know that there is really no concern for worry on your partners part if you have any inhibitions about sharing every tiny little aspect of this relationship with your current partner, you can be sure that it will leave an element of suspiscion in your partners mind.
Always try to do things that you yourself would approve of your partner doing. It is no different than how you would speak to your partner, thinking it through before actually speaking can save a ton of heart ache and hurt feelings. This is a great practice to get into any time you are dealing with another human being, whether it is on a personal level or not.
Often the idea of cheating is considered an act, an action taken where an actual physical connection is made. Emotional cheating is just as hurtful to everyone involved and sometimes even harder to get past. If your in a situation where you spend more time thinking about someone other than your current partner you may want to take an inventory of the relationship you are in and find out why your mind has decided to stray.
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