If you're interested in learning just HOW women squirt, follow this link to our easy to understand page on the squirting process.
For those of you who could give a fuck about how it works - and are more interested in making it happen - read on.
The first thing that deserves stressing is the female mind during this process. Women are very, very cerebral and emotional during sexual/romantic encounters. It is of the utmost importance that your woman is relaxed and aroused before you even think about making her squirt. Quite frankly, it just won't happen if she isn't in the mood. Sorry fellas.
Also worth noting is that you should be careful in how you approach the idea of making a girl have a squirting orgasm. Some women think its gross and just aren't interested in blasting you with ejaculation and having to wash the sheets. Other times women are scared they won't be able to do it and will feel inadequate after failing to squirt. Women are all about feelings - and you need to be supportive and understanding of these needs/feelings otherwise she may never be willing to try again. Haha, I just felt all the guys rolling their eyes to that comment.
As we mentioned before, squirting requires the woman to be "in the mood". How do we get her in the mood? Foreplay. There are thousands of excellent articles online discussing foreplay so we won't go into that here. For simplicity, we'll assume you've got her all worked up and she's ready to become a squirting mess.
Start by giving her oral on her outer lips, labia, and after a little while - her clitoris. The clitoris is the most sensitive part of the vagina and if you pay enough attention to it you can get your woman very excited. Flick it, suck it, hell - some people even spell the alphabet out by licking the letters on a girl's clitoris - just figure out what she likes. If you're doing it right you'll know because she'll start squirming and moaning. It's very important though that you do not make her come while doing this. You want to build up the urge for her to come but make her wait until you start playing with her g-spot.
Although clitoral stimulation is an excellent way to get her started, nine times out of ten she'll need g-spot stimuation to trigger a squirting orgasm. To find her g-spot, have her lay on her back and insert one or two fingers, facing upwards, inside her vagina. About a finger-length deep, there will be a spot on the top (roof) of her vagina that will be slightly more rough than the surrounding vaginal walls. This is where you need to focus your attention. *Note* the g-spot is not on the rough spot, it is inside the vaginal wall, underneath the rough spot, and you'll need to apply some pressure to stimulate it and trigger the squirting. The g-spot will not respond to light pressure, you must apply force.
***If she's really feeling adventurous you can also try doggy-style fingering. This allows you to use your thumb to stimulate her g-spot and can trigger some intense squirting. To do this, have her get on all fours, as if you were about to enter her from behind. Then insert your thumb into her vagina and find the rough patch in and down, about a finger-length's reach. Remember to apply pressure here or she won't get the full feeling.
Congratulations! Even if you learn nothing about squirting - you're better equipped than the majority or men and women who have no idea where the g-spot is located.
Now that you know where the g-spot is you're going to need to start massaging that area. Using the pad of your finger(s) rub this rough area back and forth with a bit of pressure. The idea here is to work your fingers just like you would work your penis. Be rhythmic and playful. If you see her enjoy something, keep doing it for a little bit longer. If she doesn't seem to be enjoying it, ask her "Does this feel good?" and if she says "No" try a new pattern/area - you may have missed the spot.
If your woman is breathing heavily and squirming around it may be time to slowly elevate the speed/tempo/pressure of your fingers. She should be very wet at this point and obviously enjoying your magic hands. As you increase the tempo keep in mind that you still need to apply pressure. You may notice that the g-spot area is becoming engorged or swelling up.
The swelling of this area means that she is getting close to squirting. It is also around this time that she will feel the sensation to urinate. Your best bet is to tell her BEFORE she gets the feeling of needing to urinate. That way you look like you know what you're doing, and she won't stop you during the most important part. You need to convince her this is normal and that she just needs to relax. Once she understands what is happening - you need to start going harder and harder.
Following this need to urinate is when you must be massaging her g-spot as fast as your tired fingers can go. Yes, it will hurt your fingers/hands/arms but in the end it will totally be worth once you see her squirting - we promise. Within the next minute she will start to ejaculate. Unless she pushes your hand away - keep going.
Get ready to get wet. Some women can squirt upto 2 QUARTS of ejaculate during a squirting orgasm. Although most squirting isn't this heavy you can expect at least a cup of fluid. It all depends on how well-hydrated she is - so if you want to see a big one have her drink fluids throughout the day.
At this point, after she's done squirting, take some time to lay with her and kiss. Keep the sexual connection going - don't just high-five her and throw her a towel. Her vagina will be very sensitive from all that massaging and squirting. It's probably best to not touch her vagina until she says its okay but she may want you to keep going. Women are capable of having repeated squirting orgasms so be ready to continue shortly after she explodes.
Now that you've officially given her the best orgasm of her life, there are some perks. She will undoubtedly look upon you more favorably as a sex partner or a lover. If you're dating she will fall head over heels for you. She'll probably be much easier to deal with throughout the day and be much more likely to return the sexual favors you've given to her. Short term though, she may feel exhausted and need to pass out for a few hours.
In closing, we hope this helps you in your next sexual encounter. The squirting orgasm is a wonderful thing to share with a woman. Remember to spend a good deal of time using foreplay to get her all warmed up. Oral sex is a great way to lead in to a g-spot massage. Remember to keep pressure on the g-spot and vary your tempo based on her mood. When she gets the pee sensation have her relax and be ready for the squirting explosion.
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